Monday, September 12, 2011

I'm back!!!

Having a two year old makes things like blogging a distant dream most days but I'm feeling ready to try to tackle it again- from a totally different angle! I will no longer be doing product reviews (unless I fall in love with something) and will be randomly blogging about our preschool experiences.  I'm part of a really ecclectic groups of mom's known as Mindful Mothers.  Together these women practice gentle parenting of their kids.  Each mom's personal style of parenting varies and at any given meeting you might see a mom's bare breast as she nurses her baby or toddler, a mom changing a baby wearing a cloth diaper, a baby or toddler running around naked from the waist down because his family practices EC (eliminate communication), a mom wearing her baby on her body, and all types of chaos as kids run around playing and interacting with each other and the moms.  It is an amazing group!  Well these ladies inspired me to step outside the box and start a homeschool pre-school co-op.  I'm not really sure what the textbook definition might be for that but for us it means that we get together twice a week in someone's home and do "preschool" for our kids who are between 2 and 4.   Our preschool co-op group is made up of mom's and kids who's educational experiences run the gammit from traditional public school, to homeschool, to unschoolers.  Every "class" is totally different and filled with awesome ideas and projects designed to let our kids explore the world and learn something new.  We aren't traditional but we are a lot of fun and so far the kids love it!

I'll be blogging about our experiences, our projects, and our results!  I can't wait to share my excitement with you all.  If any of you have experience with this type of preschool group I'd love to hear from you about your ideas and experiences. 


Cheap Runescape Gold said...

It is definitely an incredible group! properly these ladies inspired me to action outdoors the box and begin a homeschool pre-school co-op. I'm not actually certain what the textbook definition may be for that but for us it indicates that people get collectively twice
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Subing said...

I would have in no way guessed they experienced this type of awesome stuff heading on for that Pre-K crowd but a buddy saw the listing and shared it with me